The OraSYS PO system offers unity between systems in all divisions and units of the financial institution, avoiding multiple data entry. The product reduces the possibility of inaccuracies, miscalculations and erroneous accounting transactions through a standardised operational and accounting methodology that users are forced to follow by the management of the payment or/and electronic money institution.
The OraSYS PO system, regardless of the modular construction principle, is an integrated system. The integrated principle is implemented with common procedures for all modules: service procedures (start and end of day, archiving, revaluation, etc.), common parameters (exchange rates, interest rates, etc.) and common data registers into which data from the modules are integrated.
The OraSYS PO system includes both modules for the automation of the core payment activity and modules and technologies normally associated with ERP systems, such as Long–term Assets, Inventory, Invoicing and VAT reporting, Human Resources Management, etc.
Option for continuous 24/7 operation
The OraSYS PO system provides uninterrupted operation capability since all procedures related to system management can be performed during normal system operation without requiring an exclusive mode of operation.
Multilingual interface
The OraSYS PO system allows any user to work with an application in which all menus, screen forms, system messages and printed forms are in a specified language. The data that is entered into the system is in the language in which it is entered with the corresponding code table. Bulgarian is used as the basis for translation, with all screens and messages translated initially into English and from there into any other language.
Internet banking
The OraSYS PO system includes a well–developed Internet banking module that offers a wide range of services to the organization's customers – not only related to account information and payments from them, but also the ability to open/close current accounts, manage plastic cards, trade currency and many other activities.
The security of the module is at the highest level as different options are possible to ensure the security of operations (different certificates, TAN by SMS, two and three–factor tokens, etc.).
Product orientation
The OraSYS PO system foresees the possibility to introduce such an organization of work in the organization that the operational staff (front office) deals mainly with the sale of products (deposit, credit, combined, etc.) without the need to have in–depth accounting knowledge, since the entire post–sale process is fully automated and in accordance with a predefined methodology.
Product packages
The OraSYS PO system provides the means to define product packages as well as service packages, including the possibility to pre–purchase service packages under more advantageous conditions, e.g. fees for a certain number of operations, etc.
Management of graphical information
The OraSYS PO system provides the ability to store graphical information (photos, scanned documents, etc.) in the same database as other information, as well as enter, display and verify graphical information in the same client application.
Disclosure mechanism
The OraSYS PO system has a mechanism for notifying a specified group of persons (employees, customers, managers) of upcoming or already occurred events via SMS and/or e–mail.
Full log information
The logical architecture of the OraSYS PO system built on I/O queues not only significantly reduces the hardware requirements, but also provides a natural mechanism by which any action or operation allowed to the user is recorded in a complete log of the requests sent to the system, which can be easily monitored preventively or subsequently. A similar log is maintained for responses to queries sent, including information extracted from the database when a request is made to produce a reference form.
Document system
The internal organization of data in OraSYS PO is based on an electronic document system in which all information records (customers, current accounts, cards, long–term assets, payments, etc.) are presented as a set of electronic records valid at a specific point in time. All changes to them are stored in parallel, in the form of electronic annexes, together with supporting information on the date, time and operator who made the change.
This mechanism allows authorised persons to analyse all the data at a certain previous point in time, as they were at that time.
High productivity
The logical architecture of the OraSYS PO system created by input/output queues and parallel/sequential processing of the queries within them dramatically reduces the requirements on the database server parameters, since the number of connections to the database is fixed in advance and the OraSYS PO Communication Server performs the function of a multiplexing device. In the conventional approach, the requirements on the server parameters increase accordingly as each user opens more than one connection to the database.
Minimum requirements for communication channels
The Thick client logical architecture ensures minimal information traffic over communication channels without overhead. In practice, only the essential information for each screen form flows through the communication channel, with no data related to the graphical representation of the screen form itself.
Preservation of investments
The OraSYS PO system is built on popular and widely available platforms supported by a large number of hardware manufacturers, and as data volumes and the number of users grow, without having to replace the information system, simply by replacing one or another hardware component, the OraSYS PO system is enabled to meet the increased demands. If there is a need to increase the performance of the system, and subject to a detailed workload analysis, the following development options are possible: (a) Increase the performance of the RDBMS Oracle server by using, depending on the workload, more powerful and/or multiprocessor hardware platforms; (b) Increase the performance of the OraSYS PO Communication Server by using, depending on the workload, multiple servers to process user requests. The availability of a significant number of options to enhance the performance of an OraSYS PO system allows the organization's IT team the flexibility to scale the chosen solution.